
TLab strengthens the team
We wish Anton very welcome to our team

TLab West launches new Website
TLab West proudly launches our new site

TLab West wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

TLab launches Sentrion Duo
TLab launches Sentrio Duo optimized for smaller installations

TLab West exhibits at “SKYDD 2016”
25 – 27 October Stockholmsmässan Please visit our booth A15:41 SKYDD2016

Sentrion S4 now Security Grade 3/4 approved
TLab West AB launches the next generation Sentrion integrated security system.
TLab West and Pacom jointly exhibits at “Skydd och Säkerhet Syd 2016”
As part of TLab West and Pacom’s strategic cooperation, we will jointly exhibit our products at Skydd och Säkerhet Syd 2016 in Malmö.
TLab West expands the Origo staff
TLab West expands our staff of Origo configurators due to an increasing growth of requests and expansions from new and existing Origo customers
TLab West enters strategic cooperation with Pacom
Pacom and TLAB West have signed a strategic cooperation agreement for distribution of the integrated security system Sentrion.
Meet TLab West at 7-SÄK and let us tell you about Origo
TLab West will attend the annual 7-SÄK spring conference and, among other things, show Origo.